Weight Loss

Mental Health Treatment

Mental Health Treatment, Hamilton Mental Health Treatment in Hamilton: Naturopath at Hamilton Natural Health Clinic uses a variety of therapies, including herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes, to help patients regain their mental health. Naturopathic Health is safe and effective for treating a variety of mental [...]


Naturopathic Doctors, Hamilton Directions to Clinic Book Appointment (In Person) Book Appointment (Virtual) Book Appointment Online Welcome to Naturopathic Doctors, Hamilton Naturopathic Doctors have been award-winning since 2016. We are conveniently located in the vicinity of New Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Our doctors and [...]

Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy Weight, Hamilton Weight Loss Program: Being overweight or obese serves as a major risk factor for various chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, mental health illnesses and several forms of cancer. The Healthy Weight Program Goal: The initial step of the healthy weight program is a full assessment of the individual’s health status. This includes the evaluation of metabolic abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, and food intolerances. The healthy weight program will be individualized based on the specific results of the patient’s assessment in addition to the creation of a personalized healthy diet plan, exercise plan, and lifestyle suggestion necessary to accomplish the weight loss goal.

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