
Women Health and Wellness

Women's Health and Wellness, Flamborough Book Appointment Directions to Clinic Women's health is a fiercely discussed topic since they face unique challenges that men don't. All aspects of a woman's well-being, including reproductive, mental, and physical health, are essential if she is to live a [...]

Menopause and Depression

Menopause and Depression Natural Menopause Clinic in Flamborough: Naturopathic Doctor at Flamborough Natural Health Clinic is an excellent therapy option for women experiencing menopause-related symptoms of depression. Naturopaths use natural methods to address certain conditions, which are sometimes more effective than conventional treatments. Finally, [...]

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment - Flamborough Acne Clinic We are a team of  Naturopaths in Flamborough who specialize in the treatment of acne, melasma, hirsutism and other skin conditions. Our Naturopathic Doctors are experts in the field of natural medicine and can help you get to the [...]

High Blood Pressure, Hypertension

High Blood Pressure, Hypertension Treatment, Flamborough High blood pressure (Hypertension) affects about one billion individuals worldwide. It's still a challenge for medical practitioners, however, as many of those individuals suffering from primary hypertension have uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) that more often than not leads to [...]

Aromatherapy Massage Therapy

An aromatherapy massage is very good for stress relief and also very beneficial for allergies. The massage therapists (RMT) will use essential oils during a massage session in order to relax the body. Most of these oils come from flowers, roots, and herbs are completely safe and do wonders for allergies relief.

Chiropractic Services

Chiropractor Treatment: Flamborough Chiropractic Services Finding a good Chiropractor who fully understands the rapidly changing health care needs, the most current ways and the approaches to addressing health problems can be very difficult. Our goal is that you will find this page very informative and helpful in learning more about Chiropractic services. Chiropractor in Flamborough Ontario – 905-582-2360 All Chiropractors should know that all patients may be diagnosed with the same conditions and symptoms but they may respond very differently to treatments. For this reason, Chiropractors should tailor a specific plan of action to meet patient’s needs, goals & unique medical and physical condition. Chiropractors' aim should be to educate patients about Chiropractic care and other natural solutions to common health symptoms so they motivate their patients to take a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining their own health. What Chiropractors can help with? Chiropractors can help with many different areas of your body. They always try to relieve pain and improve the overall function of your body’s structure. Do Chiropractors prescribe drugs or do surgeries? No, Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or do surgeries. The main focus is to adjust or work with your spine and other physical body parts to get them in the right place and appropriate alignment. While seeing Chiropractic doctors for therapy can help with any symptoms and problems, we have listed out some of the more common conditions that you may recognize in yourself or others. Lower Back Pain Neck Pain Headaches and Migraines Whiplash Sacroiliac Pain Shoulder Pain Knee Pain If you are experiencing any of these problems, please see a Chiropractor Doctor today. Can Chiropractors help with Acute Pain? Acute pain related to the spine commonly shows in back and legs and in the neck and arms. There may be sensations of numbness or tingling. This pain may occur immediately after an injury. It is not necessarily a particular type of pain but one based on how long it lasts. It is usually severe initially and gradually diminishes, but is typically three weeks to three months. Chiropractors or Osteopaths should review your history and perform a comprehensive examination. One does not need to do an X-rays or other images unless the pain has lasted for at least four weeks or more. X-rays may be done to rule out fractures or other potentially more serious problems in certain situations. Treatment for most acute injuries includes chiropractic/osteopathic care and physical therapy. If the pain continues referral to an orthopedist or other healthcare specialist may be advised. Are Disc Problems commonly treated by Chiropractors? The disc is a small cartilage pad that is located between spinal bones. This soft jellylike center contains layers of fibrous tissues. Each disc serves as a spacer and a shock absorber for the spine. During the healthy state, these discs allow for normal bending and turning. Since spinal discs contain poor blood supply, they heavily depend on the circulations of joint fluids to bring nutrients and expel waste from these areas. One way the health of these discs decreases or deteriorates is when the spinal joint loses its normal motion and pumping action. A healthy disc is flexible like a wet sponge. An unhealthy disc is like a dry sponge that is hard, stiff, and can crack easily. This is where all the back problems begin. Due to how each disc is attached to the vertebra above and below it, a disc should not slip as commonly thought. However, there are cases where trauma or injury to the spine can cause discs to bulge, herniate, or worse rupture. For many people, this can be quite painful when putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. Leg or arm pain and numbness and tingling may occur. While results cannot be guaranteed, non-surgical treatments such as chiropractic care and physical/aquatic therapy have helped many patients avoid needless surgery or a dependency on medication. If however, the pain persists, referral to an orthopedic spine surgeon or neurosurgeon may be advised.

Are you searching for Naturopathic Doctor?

Are you searching for Naturopathic Doctors in Flamborough? Today's healthcare system has become a lot more diverse because of an increasing number of people opting for Naturopathic treatment, mainly in order to avert the side effects of the medicines that are prescribed by the conventional medical [...]

Acupuncture Clinic

Flamborough Acupuncture at Natural Health Clinic of Halton (in the vicinity of the New Flamborough Trafalgar Memorial Hospital) are all professionally trained. We thoroughly assess each patient’s case and create a specific individualized wellness treatment plan to attain overall balance in the body. Flamborough Acupuncturists, (905) 582-2360 Acupuncture, an Ancient Treatment for a Current Problem. Acupuncture is known to treat a variety of conditions, some of which includes: Acupuncture for Neurological Conditions (headaches, migraines, neuralgias, forms of paralysis, peripheral neuropathy, tinnitus and vertigo), Acupuncture for Cardiovascular Disorders (High blood pressure, edema, chest pain, angina, and poor circulation), Acupuncture for Respiratory Conditions (Asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and nasal congestion), Acupuncture for Digestive Disorders (Esophagitis, acid reflux, gastritis, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and constipation), Acupuncture for Ob/Gynecological Conditions (Hormonal dysregulation, irregular menstruation, painful or heavy menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, fibroids, endometriosis, and infertility), Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal System Disorders (Arthritis, back pain, frozen shoulder, tenosynovitis, muscle cramps, and sports injuries), Acupuncture for Psychological conditions (anxiety, depression, stress management, substance abuse and addictions)


Physiotherapy Treatment Physical recovery approaches for several different sorts of sports, motor vehicle accidental injuries and ailments. Directions to Clinic Goal is to regain effective movement and to minimize pain as much as possible Physiotherapy provides physical treatments by utilizing massage or adjustment of the muscular-skeletal [...]

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