
Sports Injuries Pain Treatment

Sports Injuries Pain Treatment Flamborough Sports Injuries Pain Treatment - Pain Management Clinic in Flamborough Osteopathy is a type of manual therapy that focuses on the relationship between the body's structure and function. osteopathy Clinic uses a range of techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions, [...]

Shoulder Pain Treatment

Shoulder Pain Treatment, Flamborough Shoulder Pain Treatment – Pain Management Clinic in Flamborough At the Osteopathy Clinic, our goal is to provide quality care and relief from shoulder pain. Our team of experienced osteopaths has extensive experience in treating all types of shoulder issues, from postural [...]

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment, Flamborough Low Back Pain Treatment  - Pain Management Clinic in Flamborough Osteopathy Clinic has been proven that osteopathic manipulation can be an extremely powerful tool in treating a wide variety of conditions including musculoskeletal disorders such as lower back pain. Osteopathy is a [...]

Foot and Ankle Pain Treatment

Foot and Ankle Pain Treatment, Flamborough Ontario Ankle Pain Treatment – Pain Management Clinic in Flamborough Osteopathy Clinic are healthcare professionals who use a hands-on approach to treat a wide range of conditions, including foot and ankle pain. Osteopathic treatment for ankle pain may involve a [...]

Pain Management

Pain Management Clinic, Flamborough Best Pain Management Clinic in Flamborough Osteopathy Pain Management is an effective way to help people find relief from chronic pain. Pain management is an important part of any healthcare plan. Patients who are living with chronic pain can experience [...]

Orthotics – Handcrafted Custom Footwear

Flamborough Orthotics Handcrafted Custom Footwear, offers a wide variety of services including the prescription, fitting and dispensing of custom orthotic inserts and orthopedic shoes. We are here to provide a therapeutic approach to treating foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain, and lower back pain. We are also here to help improve posture, gait, alignment, and overall balance. Our goal is to provide our patients in Flamborough Ontario with an enhanced biomechanical support system that will ultimately lead to better posture and elimination of foot, ankle, knee, hip and back pain. We achieve this goal through specific consultation, examination and if necessary, the fitting, production and dispensing of custom made orthotic inserts.

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