
Pregnancy Care

The Manual Flamborough Osteopathy Practitioners at Natural Health Clinic of Halton by Flamborough Trafalgar Memorial Hospital are trained in a wide array of manual techniques some of which include joint articulation, myofascial release, visceral and cranial techniques aimed to reduce and resolve stress, strain, and dysfunction. It recognizes the interrelationship of structure and function within the body and focuses on the proper circulation of all bodily fluids. Osteopathic practitioners have extensive knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics which helps them to thoroughly assess the whole body and via skilled palpation restore the balance between all systems of the body i.e. musculoskeletal, visceral, neurological, cranial, and cardiovascular. The goal of Flamborough Osteopathy Treatment is to bring the body back into homeostasis by removing any restrictions to vascular, neural and biomechanical mechanisms. Osteopathy is a safe and effective patient-centered approach to health.

Massage during and after Pregnancy

Massage during and after Pregnancy: There are many benefits when it comes to Massage Therapy during and after Pregnancy. Most pregnant females come to us for massage therapy due to pain in their back, hips and legs. It is very normal to have those pains during pregnancy. Our Prenatal Massage Wellness Sessions help pregnant females get relieved from back pain, hips pain, and legs pain. It also helps them sleep better. Some females will continue their Prenatal Massages every two or three weeks and some will come in once a month. We recommend starting your Prenatal Massage sessions the moment you start to feel the pain in your body. It is always best to start early.

Pregnancy, Prenatal Massage Therapy

What is Neuromuscular Therapy? If you experience recurring pain in your muscles and joints. You may look into trigger points or neuromuscular therapy. Trigger points are tiny knots that occur in tight muscles. During the Neuromuscular therapy wellness session, the pressure gets applied to these trigger points. The trigger points are the muscular areas that feel lumpy and can be painful or uncomfortable and might be causing pain in your body. When these points are pressured, the muscle relaxes, causing you instant pain relief.


Naturopathic Doctors, Flamborough Directions to Clinic Book Appointment Book Appointment Online Welcome to Naturopathic Doctors, Flamborough Naturopathic Doctors have been award-winning since 2016. We are conveniently located in the vicinity of New Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Our doctors and practitioners are all professionally trained [...]

Pregnancy, Fatigue

Pregnancy, Fatigue, Flamborough Pregnancy, Fatigue: Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to balance the flow of energy, or qi. It is often used to treat various health conditions, including [...]

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