
Cardiovascular Disorders

Cardiovascular Disorders, Mississauga Cardiovascular disorders affect the heart and the circulation of blood. They can be classified as either congenital or acquired and can also include cardiomyopathies. Congenital cardiovascular disorders are those that are present at birth (e.g., patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect, coarctation [...]

Angina Treatment

Angina Treatment, Mississauga Angina Treatment: Angina is a condition in which the person has chest pain due to an inadequate supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. The pain can be mild or severe and typically lasts longer than 15 minutes. Most cases of [...]

Edema Treatment

Edema Treatment, Mississauga Edema Treatment: Edema is a condition that occurs when fluid leaks from the capillaries and accumulates in the tissues. Edema can be a localized or general condition, both of which will have an effect on your daily life. In many cases, edema [...]

Chest Pain Treatment

Chest Pain Treatment, Mississauga Chest Pain Treatment: Chest pain is a symptom experienced by individuals of all ages, but it can be more common among patients with heart disease. Chest pain is usually a stabbing feeling in the center of the chest or a heavy [...]

High Blood Pressure, Hypertension

High Blood Pressure, Hypertension Treatment, Mississauga High blood pressure (Hypertension) affects about one billion individuals worldwide. It's still a challenge for medical practitioners, however, as many of those individuals suffering from primary hypertension have uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) that more often than not leads to [...]

Angina Treatment

Angina Treatment, Mississauga Angina Treatment: What is angina? Angina is the most common type of heart attack. It's a sudden pain in your chest, caused by blockages in your coronary arteries. About one-third of all heart attacks are caused by angina. Angina is the [...]

Anemia Treatment

Anemia Treatment, Mississauga Anemia Treatment: Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, and cancer. Anemia can lead to fatigue, shortness [...]

Arteriosclerosis Treatment

Arteriosclerosis Treatment, Mississauga Arteriosclerosis Treatment: Arteriosclerosis is a condition in which the walls of your arteries become stiff and hard, causing them to narrow and eventually to collapse. As a result, blood flow to your heart is decreased, and you may experience chest pain, [...]

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