Osteopathy is an ancient form of medicine that uses gentle pressure and manipulation of the body’s joints and muscles to restore health.
It has been shown to be effective for treating a wide range of conditions, including pain in the back, neck, and head; headaches; TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain; chronic pain; and more.
Pediatric Osteopathy, Burlington: Babies and Children
Our Osteopathy therapy is especially helpful for babies and children because their bones are still growing and their muscles are still developing and it utilizes osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) to improve the health of babies and children.
Osteopaths specializing in this area believe that all children have the potential to heal themselves, and that OMT can help unlock this potential. Many pediatricians now believe that osteopathy can be an important part of a child’s healthcare.
Colic Babies:
Parents of colicky babies often feel like they are walking on eggshells. There is no one definitive cause for colic, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of factors including genetics and environmental influences.
Some osteopathic professionals believe that colic may be an indication that a baby’s digestive system is not working properly.
There are many different causes of colic in babies, and it is usually a sign that something is wrong. Some of the most common causes of colic in babies include reflux, GERD, cow’s milk protein intolerance, and DiGeorge syndrome.
If you are concerned about your baby’s colic, talk to our osteopathic practitioners.
Spitting up/reflux
One in every three babies is born with reflux. It’s a problem where food and stomach acids back up into the throat.
This can cause difficulty breathing, crying, fussiness and sleep deprivation. If left untreated, reflux can lead to problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Barrett’s esophagus and even pneumonia.
Infants who spit up or have reflux may experience difficulty feeding and can be at an increased risk for developing chronic health problems.
While there is no known cause of reflux, it is thought that a baby’s physiology may predispose them to developing the condition.
Some factors that may increase a baby’s risk include obesity, prematurity, and low birth weight.
Developmental Delays
The term “developmental delay” refers to any delayed development in a baby’s physical, cognitive, and social abilities.
It can be caused by a variety of things, including genetics, environmental factors, and problems with the baby’s brain or body. Developmental delays can vary widely in their severity and duration.
Some babies may only experience minor delays while others may experience more significant delays that require specialized care and treatment.
Developmental delays are a common occurrence in babies. They may experience delays in physical development, language development, or both.
There is no one cause for developmental delays, but they can often be caused by changes in the baby’s environment or by problems with the baby’s brain.
Developmental delays can vary a lot from one baby to the next, and there is no single way to tell if a baby is developing normally.
Babies Birth Trauma:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), birth trauma babies are those who experience physical or emotional abuse during their birth.
This can include being squeezed too tightly, being restrained in any way, being ignored or denied care, or experiencing chaotic or abusive conditions during labor and delivery.
Trauma during labor and delivery can cause physical and emotional problems that can last a lifetime. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that birth trauma can lead to lifelong problems such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. In fact, some studies suggest that as many as 30% of all adults may experience some level of trauma due to their birth experience.
Pediatric Otitis Media (OM): Babies and Children
Otitis Media (OM) is a common pediatric illness that most often affects young children. It occurs when the middle ear becomes infected with bacteria.
Symptoms include severe pain, fever, and hearing loss in one or both ears. Otitis media (OM) can be serious and require treatment, but it can usually be resolved with antibiotics.
There is no known cause of Otitis media (OM), but it is believed to be caused by a combination of factors including viral infections, allergic reactions, and environmental exposures.
This is a common childhood illness that can lead to long-term hearing problems in some cases.
In conclusion, our osteopaths can help with a wide variety of issues in babies and children. If you are experiencing any of the issues listed above, please consult with our osteopathic practitioners. Osteopathy can help with colic, spitting up/reflux, sucking difficulty, developmental delays, birth trauma, and otitis media.