
Pregnancy Care

The Manual Oakville Osteopathy Practitioners at Natural Health Clinic of Halton by Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital are trained in a wide array of manual techniques some of which include joint articulation, myofascial release, visceral and cranial techniques aimed to reduce and resolve stress, strain, and dysfunction. It recognizes the interrelationship of structure and function within the body and focuses on the proper circulation of all bodily fluids. Osteopathic practitioners have extensive knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics which helps them to thoroughly assess the whole body and via skilled palpation restore the balance between all systems of the body i.e. musculoskeletal, visceral, neurological, cranial, and cardiovascular. The goal of Oakville Osteopathy Treatment is to bring the body back into homeostasis by removing any restrictions to vascular, neural and biomechanical mechanisms. Osteopathy is a safe and effective patient-centered approach to health.

Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion, Oakville Nasal Congestion: Nasal congestion is the sensation of nasal obstruction, erythema and edema. It can be caused by a multitude of conditions such as allergies, sinusitis, obstructive sleep apnea, and production of excess mucus in response to an infection or environmental [...]

Respiratory Conditions

Respiratory Conditions, Oakville Acupuncture works to complement Western Medicine and can be a successful treatment for respiratory conditions. Our Acupuncture is performed by placing needles in the patient's skin at specific points on their body. The stimulation of these points, which can include different types [...]

Asthma Treatment

Asthma Treatment, Oakville Asthma Treatment: Asthma is a respiratory disease that is characterized by chronic airway obstruction. The airways are made of small tubes that carry the air in and out of the body. These tubes are surrounded by muscles. When these muscles contract, [...]

Bronchitis Treatment

Bronchitis Treatment, Oakville Bronchitis Treatment: Bronchitis is a respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the bronchial tubes. This inflammation causes fluid to accumulate in the mucous membranes and makes it difficult to breathe.The most common symptoms of bronchitis are coughing, chest congestion, and difficulty breathing.Acupuncture is one [...]

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