Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Sinusitis Treatment

Sinusitis Treatment, Oakville Sinusitis Treatment: Sinusitis is an infection of the sinuses, which are small air-filled cavities located in the front of the head and neck. Sinus infection can be very serious, and may lead to a wide range of symptoms, including headache, fever, [...]

Ear, Nose and Throat Problems

The Manual Oakville Osteopathy Practitioners at Natural Health Clinic of Halton by Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital are trained in a wide array of manual techniques some of which include joint articulation, myofascial release, visceral and cranial techniques aimed to reduce and resolve stress, strain, and dysfunction. It recognizes the interrelationship of structure and function within the body and focuses on the proper circulation of all bodily fluids. Osteopathic practitioners have extensive knowledge in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics which helps them to thoroughly assess the whole body and via skilled palpation restore the balance between all systems of the body i.e. musculoskeletal, visceral, neurological, cranial, and cardiovascular. The goal of Oakville Osteopathy Treatment is to bring the body back into homeostasis by removing any restrictions to vascular, neural and biomechanical mechanisms. Osteopathy is a safe and effective patient-centered approach to health.

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment - Oakville Acne Clinic We are a team of  Naturopaths in Oakville who specialize in the treatment of acne, melasma, hirsutism and other skin conditions. Our Naturopathic Doctors are experts in the field of natural medicine and can help you get to the [...]

Is Massage Therapy Safe for Babies and Children?

Is Massage Therapy Safe for Babies and Children? Yes, Massage Therapy is very safe for Babies and Children. We do provide pediatric massage therapy to anyone who is interested in trying it for their babies. Massage Therapy does bring many benefits for anyone from toddlers, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. Massage does help in decreasing stress and stress hormone levels in children and adults at the same level.

Psychological effects of massage

What are the psychological effects of massage? The effects of a Massage are both physical and psychological. Stress, anxiety, and depression can be progressively and considerably reduced. Furthermore, by decreasing the stress level, massage therapy can improve conditions related to it such as asthma, depression, dermatitis, and post-traumatic stress disorder, among others.

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